Own or rent a flat roofed property? Our blog posts offer some great tips and information regarding protecting, maintaining and insuring your flat roof property. We’ll also be sharing tips and guides on replacing and repairing a flat roof and breaking down the various materials typically used in flat roofs. Think of this blog section like a complete “flat roofs” information hub!

Insuring Your Investment: What To Consider When Buying A Home With A Flat Roof
Whether you’re looking for a new home, or you’ve found your dream property, if it has a flat roof, you may want to think carefully about the implications of this unique construction style. That’s because, attractive as they may be, flat roofs are often more susceptible to the elements. As such, they need regular maintenance […]

How to Protect and Maintain your Flat Roof
Flat roofs, while an attractive feature on a property, require more maintenance than angled roofs. Hence flat roof insurance premiums tend to be higher than those for apex roofed properties. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways by which you can extend the life of your flat roof, and in doing so, potentially limit the […]